Astrapac have been involved with the supply and manufacture of heat sealers since 1970s.
We provide replacement parts in support of not only our current range of machines but also many older models. We also stock or have access to some other leading European makes of similar specification machines.
When enquiring/ordering replacement parts, if the stock number is not known ? To ensure a quick response, always advise machine TYPE number or SERIAL number.
To assist with spare part identification, request a manual / instructions or ping us an image of the parts required, where our customer service team are happy to help.
Astrapac operate a £35 minimum order charge
If no credit account exists, most debit / credit cards are taken.
Dispatch is typically by courier service
For reference, certain models of heat sealer that use a relativity high number of consumable parts (generally Impulse sealers), these replacement parts are often supplied in the form of a kit which provide more than one change of components. Contact us for details.
Astrapac do not display replacement parts on this web site due to the number variations available.