Annual Re-Calibration Agreements



The aim of calibration is to minimise any measurement of uncertainty by ensuring the accuracy of the heat sealers  integral devices/instruments that control/monitor the machines sealing parameters. It is recommended to have these devices  re-calibrated annually to ensure the errors of uncertainty within the measurement processes are kept to an acceptable levels.

APPLICATIONS.  Quality Assurance,  Maintenance of calibration period and instrument specification,   Satisfy Audit requirements.

Annual re-calibration agreements are available to support our more advanced models of heat sealer, traceable to UKAS standards. This applies particularly to those sealers supplied into the Medical industry, where standards are constrained by certification. We are also able to provide calibration /validation services for most other leading European manufactured pouch sealer models.

For smaller table top models, these are routinely re-calibrated in-house at our West Midland manufacturing facility.  Astrapac is usually able to offer a support/loan heat sealer of similar specification to cover the period a machine is off site (subject to advanced notice).

To cover larger sealers or where several machines are located on a single site, this becomes more cost effective to be preformed at a customers premises. Calibration agreements can also be accompanied with servicing and or validation requirements.

Contact our customer services for further details, quotation etc.

All work is guaranteed and carried out by our own trained technicians.